The Road to Recovery

A Documentary Film

Our film is about drug addiction, a problem that has already reached epidemic proportions in the U.S.

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Our Plan

Making a documentary film can be costly, but it doesn't have to be. We have set a meager budget of $200K for our film, which will cover the costs of equipment, contracting and marketing. We have already shot two of the interviews for the film, using our giant green screen, and we have other interviews already lined up as well, with additional addiction recovery specialists, and with two recovered addicts. The music for the film is also 70% completed (which includes the song that accompanies the trailer).

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Our Gear

We already own an array of hardware and software necessary for film production, which we have used for the production of the film trailer, and feedback tells us that the quality of our trailer is impressive for such a meager budget. This is because modern equipment offers incredible 'bang-for-buck', with many times the quality of hardware from just a decade ago. We've already been collecting AV gear for years, so there is not much at all that we need to purchase for the completion of the film.

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What you can do

New films are difficult and expensive to market, and ongoing support is crucial. We need $200K in funding, and anyone else is invited to provide support even if its just moral support ("I can't wait to see your film!").

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About the filmmaker

Stuart Brooke Richardson is a writer, musician/composer, director and editor. He has written nine books and four screenplays, has composed more than a hundred songs on more than 10 musical instruments in multiple genres (including film), and has edited many projects. Stuart lives in Auburn, California, and this project will feature people from Auburn, Portland Oregon, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Contact Us

You can contact us by using the webform, or directly using the information below